duminică, 1 aprilie 2012

The results of our Campaign

Through this project we have prevented violence at lest in most families in our school. We made children  aware that violence is not a solution to solve  problems. We talked with parents about domestic violence and we organized "Non Violence Day". In that day we organized a contest with the theme "My happy family”. At the contest participated a lot of kids from different classes. Through this contest we wanted to see how creative are children concerning "My happy family”.
Then we made a poster. Through this poster we wanted to show that domestic violence is not a solution. Through these activities we managed to get people acquire more knowledge about domestic violence.

duminică, 4 martie 2012

NON-VIOLENCE-DAY / Ziua Non Violentei

At the seminar with the parents we discussed about family violence cases. It was a specialists who could answer their parents questions. Some parents have been extremely pleased with this seminar because they realized some things they do not know. There was a painting contest which had the theme,'' MY HAPPY FAMILY. Different kids from different classes surprised the jury with different superb and very creative paintings. They were able to present their family truly happy. The winner prize will be a summer camp in USA. The second place will receive a certain amount of money and the third different books. Do not forget the degree that everyone will receive. We managed to work together on a beautiful poster. We put ideas together and made a masterpiece. We have divided the tasks. I worked in the team all the way. We could do something together.


La seminarul cu parinti am discutat despre cazurile de violenta in familie. A fost un specialis care a putut sa le raspunda parintilor la nedumeriri. Unii dintre parinti au fost extrem de multumiti de acest seminar deoarece si-au dat seama de unele lucruri pe care nu le stiau. A avut loc si un concurs cu picturi la care aveam  tema ,,MY HAPPY FAMILY’’. Diversi copii de la diferite clase au surprins juriul cu diferite picture superbe si foarte creative. Au putut sa isi prezinte familia cum este cu adevarat fericita. Premiul castigatorului va fi o tabara de vara in America. Locul al doilea va primi o anumita suma de bani si locul al treilea diferite carti. Sa nu uit de diploma pe care o primesc toti participantii. Am reusit sa lucram impreuna la un poster superb. Ne-am pus ideile cap la cap si am facut o splendita capodopera. Noi ne-am impartit sarcinile. Am lucrat in echipa pana la capat. Am putut face ceva impreuna.

Non Violence Day

                                 This is a poster created by us 

sâmbătă, 4 februarie 2012

Violence in family / Violenta in familie

At a seminar parents talked about cases of domestic violence.
Specialist who presented this documentary told us everything we know about violence .Parents were asked questions and asked for advice such as :
-What is domestic violence?
-What is the most common form of domestic violence in Romania?
-Victims of domestic violence are only women or men?
-What do recent statistics of domestic violence in Romania show?
Some parents have been extremely pleased with this seminar and realized some things they are not aware of.


La un seminar cu parintii am discutat despre cazuri de violenta in familie. Specialistul care ne-a prezentat acest documentar ne-au spus tot ce trebuiam sa stim despre violenta. Parintii au pus intrebari si au cerut sfaturi ca de exemplu:
- Ce este violenţa în familie?
- Care este cea mai răspândită formă de violenţă în familie în Romania ?
- Victimele violenţei în familie sunt doar femeile sau şi bărbaţii ?
- Ce statistici recente de violenţă în familie avem în Romania?
Unii dintre parinti au fost extreme de multumiti de acest seminar deoarece si-au dat seama de unele lucruri care nu le stiau.

duminică, 29 ianuarie 2012

,,My happy family `` Competition

                                                                          By Emma M.

By  Rebeca E.

By  Delia V.

By  Ioana S.

By Cornelia A.

By Monica D.

                                                                     By Alexia T.

sâmbătă, 28 ianuarie 2012

Our campaign !

Our team will organize campaigns in schools to inform children about domestic violence. We will share leaflets with useful information for abused children.
We will do an advertisement through which we want to encourage abused children to resist violence.
In order to sensitize the public to get a reaction from it , we will present a short film which contains testimonies of some victims.
Organization "Non violence Day" in schools. In that day, we will run many activities such as:
A contest with the theme "My happy family”. At the contest will participated a lot of kids from different classes. Through this contest we want to see how creative are children concerning "My happy family”.
A seminar with parents about domestic violence. There, they can questioned our specialist and they will better understand what domestic violence mean.
 Besides these activities, our team will make a poster entitled ”Stand up against family violence”. In this poster we will present some messages and photos.
We will develop a handbook for a healthy family. The handbook will include definitions of how to have a healthy family and tips for parents and children.
These are the activities that we will carry on in our campaign "Stand up against family violence"!

Facts about family violence

*women have been killed out of jealousy
* children have been verbally abused and sexually
* children were bound and locked in the house by    parents
 *children were killed by parents
 * women were raped

duminică, 22 ianuarie 2012

* Life Stories*

When I was five years , I remember how my step father beat my mother in front of me
and my sister. It was terrible! It was so awful to see my own mother mistreated....by a man who was not even
my father . One evening , he really hurt my mother and she need to go to hospital ....but he didn`t left her . My mother lost much blood.....I called the police and my step father was fined.... My mother divorced.....I was so happy to know that know we can have a normal life .

by Raluca P.


From the age of 12 years ....my life have changed . My parents beat me every day . My body
is bruised. I am verbal and physically abused , mistreated ....and i have been linked with chains.
My parents do not care about me . They consume alcohol and drugs every day . They don`t let me
go to school sometimes and they make me their slave. My life is a nightmare .....Please help me because ....right know when you read this lines ...I am abused by these monsters...I can call them parents ...because the aren`t ....Help me!

by Cristina E.


I have a horrible life. I am 11 years old. I have a very bad father . He beat me almost every day . He usually beats my mother because she doesn`t cook very well . I don`t know what can I do ....I feel very bad.....I can`t express all my feelings because I want to make them to disappear.

By Irina D.


My story is tragic! When I was 6 years my mom was killed ......One night , dad got drunk ..and killed
my mother. Do you know how?? I will tell you , but I think you know that when I say this ...i feel dreadful. My father was a drug dealer .....Every night he came with men and women and they played poker and another gambling....He lost a lot of money and finally our house. After that ..he killed my mother . I ran away from home. Now I have an adoptive family .....but right know I feel how my real mother call me from heaven.......

Created by Corina A.

When I was seven years old my mother and father started to fight. My mother was pushed hard and her head hit the door knob and fell unconscious. We called an ambulance. She stayed in hospital for a couple of days with bad injuries. My father was charged. He never came back in our family. This moment changed my life in better. I will never forget it.
by Antonia C.

luni, 16 ianuarie 2012

An interview with a specialist

Hi! My name is Alexandra Ringhiopol and today I will take an interview about DOMESTIC VIOLENCE . The SPECIALIST is Cristina Horia :Executive director at Foundation Sensiblu. We posted these photo with Cristina Horia with her permition.
Alexandra Ringhiopol: Hello!
Cristina Horia:Hello.What can I help you?
Alexandra Ringhiopol :We have a project in school with the Cristina Horia :domestic violence.Can I ask you some questions about domestic violence?
Cristina Horia: Of course!
Alexandra Ringhiopol :What do you mean by domestic violence?
Cristina Horia : Domestic violence is not just beats ,just humiliation ,lack of freedom only.Domestic violence is all of these things and much more.
Alexandra Ringhiopol : Ok.....Do victims call to ask for help? 

Cristina Horia: Very few. Many fear for their safety or safety of the children or they are financially dependent and prefer to suffer in silence than change their situation. 
But people can see when something happens in friends or neighbours’ families. 
Alexandra Ringhiopol :Do they report it? 
Cristina Horia:We intend  to fight domestic violence  and ignorance around  this subject ,we try to change attitudes and preconceived  judgments  liabilities  constructive and supportive actions . Adauga ce exact se face in acest scop, nu doar amintesti  
Alexandra Ringhiopol :Thank you very much .Good bye .
Cristina Horia:Good luck at project and good bye!


Alexandra Ringhiopol:Buna ziua 
Cristina Horia:Buna ziua !Cu ce va ajut?
Alexandra Ringhiopol:La scoala noi facem un proiect cu subiectul " Violenta in
familie" si as vra sa va punem cateva intrebari ,se poate?

Cristina Horia:Sigur.

Alexandra Ringhiopol:Ce intelegeti dumneavoastra prin violenta in familie?
Cristina Horia:Violenta in familie nu inseamna doar batai, doar umilinta ,doar lipsa de libertate .Violenta in familie inseamna toate aceste lucruri si mult mai mult.

Alexandra Ringhiopol:Aha..... care credeti ca sunt cazurile?

Cristina Horia:De obicei oameni stau pe margine si nu judeca .Uni pote compatimesc

Alexandra Ringhiopol: Ce am putea face in privinta violentei?

Cristina Horia:Eu va propun sa luptati impotriva violentei domestice si a ignorantei din jurul acestui subiect.

Alexandra Ringhiopol:Ce ne propuneti pe viitor?

Cristina Horia:Eu va propun sa folositi cu drag site-ul nuepoveste.ro

Alexandra Ringhiopol:Multumesc mult .La revedere!

Cristina Horia:La revedere!

vineri, 13 ianuarie 2012

Statistics in Romania

,,In Romania , a lot of women say that they  were physically  or verbally  abused  by their spouse. ``

In 2008 : 3.595 causes of family violence : -3.224 offenses 
                                                                 -115 crimes
                                                                 -51 rape
In 2010 : more than 11.000 cases 

These are some examples ....but every day a child in abused ....think about it ....

Resurses: Statistica violenta domestica.Dreptul la o copilarie fericita.A.I.T.C.(http://aitc.ro/statistica-violenta-domestica)

Laws and Regulations in Romania

1.All married people have equal rights and obligations in family relationships, regardless of gender, race, nationality, ethnic origin, language, religion, opinion, political affiliation, wealth or social origin.
2.Family rights and obligations" are linked to their owners and may not be transferred to third parties.
3. Citizens realize their rights independently owned and they arise from family relationships .
4. Realization of the rights and family obligations should not harm the rights, obligations, freedoms and legitimate interests of other family members and other citizens.
5. Family rights are protected by law, except when they are made ​​contrardestinatiei or contrary to law.
6. Family rights are protected by the authorities of public administration, and in some cases and courts.

1.Toate persoanele casatorite au drepturi si obligatii egale în relatiile familiale, indiferent de sex, rasa,nationalitate, origine etnica, limba, religie, opinie, apartenenta politica, avere si origine sociala.
2.Drepturile si obligatiile familiale sunt legate de titularii lor si nu pot fi cedate persoanelor terte.
3.Cetatenii îsi realizeaza de sine statator drepturile ce le apartin si iau nastere din relaiile familiale,dac prezentul cod nu prevede altfel.
4. Realizarea drepturilor si îndeplinirea obligatiilor familiale nu trebuie sa lezeze drepturile, obligatiile,libertatile si interesele legitime ale altor membri ai familiei si ale altor cetateni.
5.Drepturile familiale sunt ocrotite de lege, cu exceptia cazurilor cand acestea sunt realizate contrardestinatiei sau contrar prevederilor legale.
6. Drepturile familiale sînt ocrotite de autoritatile abilitate ale administratiei publice, iar în anumite cazuri si de instantele judecatoresti.
7. Mijloacele de ocrotire a drepturilor familiale sunt stabilite de prezentul cod, de alte legi si actenormative.

Resurses: ``Drepturile copilului``.Wikipedia.7. Aprilie. 2012(http://ro.wikipedia.org/wiki/Drepturile_copilului)
`Temade aprofundare ", Drepturile femeii",Dadalos (http://www.dadalos.org/rom/menschenrechte/grundkurs_3/frauenrechte/frauenrechte.htm)


Cosumption of alcohol or drugs
Temperament , personality, character

Cazurile violentei in familie sunt de ordin individual , economic sau social .Majoritatea cauzelor sunt alcoolul , situatiile financiare precarePersonalitatea este un factor psihologic al violentei in familie . De regula , cel puternic este agresiv cu cel slab care nu poate riposta .Gelozia este cauza principala si des intalnita . Ex: Copilul devine brusc "bucuria casei" dar poate deveni si o cauza a frustrarii parintilor care nu pot controla situatiile fie din lipsa lucrurilor materiale fie se simt nepregatiti pentru a ii face fata .Alcoolul si drogurile au o mare crestere a agresivitatii , acestea sunt cercetate de specialisti.Dependenta de droguri si bautura aduc intotdeauna la acte de violenta .Infidelitatea este o cauză şi un produs al neînţelegerilor din sânul familiei sau a relaţiilor de cuplu care poate aduce la agresivitate.*************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************Domestic violence cases are of individual, economic or social.Most causes are alcohol, poor financial situationPersonality is a psychological factor of domestic violence.Usually, the stronger is aggressive with the weak can not fight back.Jealousy is the cause and common.Ex: The child suddenly becomes "joy home" but can also become a cause of frustration parents can not control the situation or the lack of material things or feel unprepared to handle them.Alcohol and drugs are a growing aggressiveness, they are studied by specialists.Drug and drink always brings violence. Infidelity is a cause and a product of misunderstanding in the family or couple relationships which may make aggression.

Resurses:``Inspectorul Judetean de Politie Cluj``.`` Cauze ale violentei domestice``. ClujAfaceri(http://www.clujafaceri.ro/viatareala/People/GrupuriSpeciale/Violenta/Violentadomestica/Cauzealeviolenteidomestice/tabid/2619/Default.aspx)

luni, 9 ianuarie 2012


alcohol dependence
Domestic violence is represented by any form of physical or verbal aggression ,abuse or intimidation of one of the children .. Violent Parents sent to their children inappropriate models of interaction. It can occur anytime: in the first year or after several years of marriage. Those who have aggressed, usually behaves like that because of feelings of anger and hostility . They are depressed, insecure and feel the need to control and dominate. Domestic violence: includes all aspects of violence occurred in a family relationship between parents and children. Violence can take several forms, such as physical assault, sexual abuse, rape, psychological or verbal abuse . Physical abuse: hitting with hands, with fists, damage to physical integrity Sexual Abuse: performed on a child; Verbal abuse: demeaning / humiliating comments and insults that induce in the victim feelings of fear and insecurity. Psychological abuse: further degradation and humiliation of child; emotional abuse: used to manipulate and control the child. Economic Abuse: occurs when one of parent has the exclusiveeconomic control. Social abuse: verbal abuse against other people, humiliation, jokes,complaints concerning the physical appearance and intellectual qualities. Violence born violence but sometimes "communication is the key." Sources: Book with author Authors: Elena Balan, Elena Anghel, Marcela Marcinschi-Calinescu, Elena Ciohodaru Title: Girls and boys-Partners in private and public life The city where the book was published: Bucharest Publisher: Nemira Year of publication: 2003

Sources : Book with author 
Authors: Elena Balan ,Elena Anghel,Marcela Marcinschi-Calinescu ,Elena Ciohodaru
Title:Girls and boys-Partners in private and public life 
The city where the book was published : Bucharest
Year of publication:2003

Smiley Cursors Smiley Cursors Peanut Butter Jelly Time (Dancing Banana) Cursors