luni, 16 ianuarie 2012

An interview with a specialist

Hi! My name is Alexandra Ringhiopol and today I will take an interview about DOMESTIC VIOLENCE . The SPECIALIST is Cristina Horia :Executive director at Foundation Sensiblu. We posted these photo with Cristina Horia with her permition.
Alexandra Ringhiopol: Hello!
Cristina Horia:Hello.What can I help you?
Alexandra Ringhiopol :We have a project in school with the Cristina Horia :domestic violence.Can I ask you some questions about domestic violence?
Cristina Horia: Of course!
Alexandra Ringhiopol :What do you mean by domestic violence?
Cristina Horia : Domestic violence is not just beats ,just humiliation ,lack of freedom only.Domestic violence is all of these things and much more.
Alexandra Ringhiopol : Ok.....Do victims call to ask for help? 

Cristina Horia: Very few. Many fear for their safety or safety of the children or they are financially dependent and prefer to suffer in silence than change their situation. 
But people can see when something happens in friends or neighbours’ families. 
Alexandra Ringhiopol :Do they report it? 
Cristina Horia:We intend  to fight domestic violence  and ignorance around  this subject ,we try to change attitudes and preconceived  judgments  liabilities  constructive and supportive actions . Adauga ce exact se face in acest scop, nu doar amintesti  
Alexandra Ringhiopol :Thank you very much .Good bye .
Cristina Horia:Good luck at project and good bye!


Alexandra Ringhiopol:Buna ziua 
Cristina Horia:Buna ziua !Cu ce va ajut?
Alexandra Ringhiopol:La scoala noi facem un proiect cu subiectul " Violenta in
familie" si as vra sa va punem cateva intrebari ,se poate?

Cristina Horia:Sigur.

Alexandra Ringhiopol:Ce intelegeti dumneavoastra prin violenta in familie?
Cristina Horia:Violenta in familie nu inseamna doar batai, doar umilinta ,doar lipsa de libertate .Violenta in familie inseamna toate aceste lucruri si mult mai mult.

Alexandra Ringhiopol:Aha..... care credeti ca sunt cazurile?

Cristina Horia:De obicei oameni stau pe margine si nu judeca .Uni pote compatimesc

Alexandra Ringhiopol: Ce am putea face in privinta violentei?

Cristina Horia:Eu va propun sa luptati impotriva violentei domestice si a ignorantei din jurul acestui subiect.

Alexandra Ringhiopol:Ce ne propuneti pe viitor?

Cristina Horia:Eu va propun sa folositi cu drag site-ul

Alexandra Ringhiopol:Multumesc mult .La revedere!

Cristina Horia:La revedere!

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