duminică, 22 ianuarie 2012

* Life Stories*

When I was five years , I remember how my step father beat my mother in front of me
and my sister. It was terrible! It was so awful to see my own mother mistreated....by a man who was not even
my father . One evening , he really hurt my mother and she need to go to hospital ....but he didn`t left her . My mother lost much blood.....I called the police and my step father was fined.... My mother divorced.....I was so happy to know that know we can have a normal life .

by Raluca P.


From the age of 12 years ....my life have changed . My parents beat me every day . My body
is bruised. I am verbal and physically abused , mistreated ....and i have been linked with chains.
My parents do not care about me . They consume alcohol and drugs every day . They don`t let me
go to school sometimes and they make me their slave. My life is a nightmare .....Please help me because ....right know when you read this lines ...I am abused by these monsters...I can call them parents ...because the aren`t ....Help me!

by Cristina E.


I have a horrible life. I am 11 years old. I have a very bad father . He beat me almost every day . He usually beats my mother because she doesn`t cook very well . I don`t know what can I do ....I feel very bad.....I can`t express all my feelings because I want to make them to disappear.

By Irina D.


My story is tragic! When I was 6 years my mom was killed ......One night , dad got drunk ..and killed
my mother. Do you know how?? I will tell you , but I think you know that when I say this ...i feel dreadful. My father was a drug dealer .....Every night he came with men and women and they played poker and another gambling....He lost a lot of money and finally our house. After that ..he killed my mother . I ran away from home. Now I have an adoptive family .....but right know I feel how my real mother call me from heaven.......

Created by Corina A.

When I was seven years old my mother and father started to fight. My mother was pushed hard and her head hit the door knob and fell unconscious. We called an ambulance. She stayed in hospital for a couple of days with bad injuries. My father was charged. He never came back in our family. This moment changed my life in better. I will never forget it.
by Antonia C.

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