vineri, 13 ianuarie 2012

Statistics in Romania

,,In Romania , a lot of women say that they  were physically  or verbally  abused  by their spouse. ``

In 2008 : 3.595 causes of family violence : -3.224 offenses 
                                                                 -115 crimes
                                                                 -51 rape
In 2010 : more than 11.000 cases 

These are some examples ....but every day a child in abused ....think about it ....

Resurses: Statistica violenta domestica.Dreptul la o copilarie fericita.A.I.T.C.(

Un comentariu:

  1. Hello,

    This idea is a really good one! Anytime, anywhere in this world you can see a lot of bad things happening! Noticing and doing something for other to notice and react, is to be admired! Instead of using creativity to make up stories, look around you on the street, in your school, in your neighborhood! I am sure you can find examples and you can use them! Good luck!


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