luni, 9 ianuarie 2012


alcohol dependence
Domestic violence is represented by any form of physical or verbal aggression ,abuse or intimidation of one of the children .. Violent Parents sent to their children inappropriate models of interaction. It can occur anytime: in the first year or after several years of marriage. Those who have aggressed, usually behaves like that because of feelings of anger and hostility . They are depressed, insecure and feel the need to control and dominate. Domestic violence: includes all aspects of violence occurred in a family relationship between parents and children. Violence can take several forms, such as physical assault, sexual abuse, rape, psychological or verbal abuse . Physical abuse: hitting with hands, with fists, damage to physical integrity Sexual Abuse: performed on a child; Verbal abuse: demeaning / humiliating comments and insults that induce in the victim feelings of fear and insecurity. Psychological abuse: further degradation and humiliation of child; emotional abuse: used to manipulate and control the child. Economic Abuse: occurs when one of parent has the exclusiveeconomic control. Social abuse: verbal abuse against other people, humiliation, jokes,complaints concerning the physical appearance and intellectual qualities. Violence born violence but sometimes "communication is the key." Sources: Book with author Authors: Elena Balan, Elena Anghel, Marcela Marcinschi-Calinescu, Elena Ciohodaru Title: Girls and boys-Partners in private and public life The city where the book was published: Bucharest Publisher: Nemira Year of publication: 2003

Sources : Book with author 
Authors: Elena Balan ,Elena Anghel,Marcela Marcinschi-Calinescu ,Elena Ciohodaru
Title:Girls and boys-Partners in private and public life 
The city where the book was published : Bucharest
Year of publication:2003

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