duminică, 4 martie 2012

NON-VIOLENCE-DAY / Ziua Non Violentei

At the seminar with the parents we discussed about family violence cases. It was a specialists who could answer their parents questions. Some parents have been extremely pleased with this seminar because they realized some things they do not know. There was a painting contest which had the theme,'' MY HAPPY FAMILY. Different kids from different classes surprised the jury with different superb and very creative paintings. They were able to present their family truly happy. The winner prize will be a summer camp in USA. The second place will receive a certain amount of money and the third different books. Do not forget the degree that everyone will receive. We managed to work together on a beautiful poster. We put ideas together and made a masterpiece. We have divided the tasks. I worked in the team all the way. We could do something together.


La seminarul cu parinti am discutat despre cazurile de violenta in familie. A fost un specialis care a putut sa le raspunda parintilor la nedumeriri. Unii dintre parinti au fost extrem de multumiti de acest seminar deoarece si-au dat seama de unele lucruri pe care nu le stiau. A avut loc si un concurs cu picturi la care aveam  tema ,,MY HAPPY FAMILY’’. Diversi copii de la diferite clase au surprins juriul cu diferite picture superbe si foarte creative. Au putut sa isi prezinte familia cum este cu adevarat fericita. Premiul castigatorului va fi o tabara de vara in America. Locul al doilea va primi o anumita suma de bani si locul al treilea diferite carti. Sa nu uit de diploma pe care o primesc toti participantii. Am reusit sa lucram impreuna la un poster superb. Ne-am pus ideile cap la cap si am facut o splendita capodopera. Noi ne-am impartit sarcinile. Am lucrat in echipa pana la capat. Am putut face ceva impreuna.

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